50 Popular Angular Carousel Components


Are you looking for Angular Carousel Components for your angular based application. If yes then in this post I am going to share hand picked top rated Angular Carousel Components. These angular Carousel / Slider very popular among the angular developer with open source code. You can use these popular Angular Carousel Components to make your web application more awesome.

Following are the list of popular top rated hand picked Angular Carousel Components.

S.No. Name Details Popularity(Likes) 1 angular-carousel Mobile friendly AngularJS carousel 1.6k 2 angular-slick Angular directive for slick-carousel 513 3 angular-slick-carousel Angular directive for slick-carousel 332 4 ngu-carousel Angular Universal carousel 210 5 ngx-gallery Angular Gallery, Carousel and Lightbox 328 6 ui-carousel Angular carousel Component 85 7 nativescript-carousel Carousel component for NativeScript (iOS/Angular + TS, Angular, Vue) 127 8 angular-carousel-3d Angular Carousel 3D 83 9 ng-bootstrap Angular powered Bootstrap 7.4k 10 ngx-drag-scroll A lightweight responsive Angular carousel library 233 11 ngx-bootstrap Fast and reliable Bootstrap widgets in Angular (supports Ivy engine) 5k 12 ngx-carousel An amazing responsive carousel for angular 2+ . It have multiple options to control the carousel and also it is very … 121 13 angular-owl-carousel Populate Owl Carousel with data from an Angular controller 43 14 angularjs-carousel An Angular Carousel Directive that allows for deferred loading of the pages 63 15 material2-carousel A carousel component for Angular using Material 65 16 angular-carousel A simple very generic AngularJS carousel. 26 17 ngx-owl-carousel-o owl-carousel for Angular >=6 57 18 ng2-carouselamos Simple carousel/slider for angular 2. 35 19 angular4-carousel Animated angular2/4 carousel 23 20 angular2-carousel An lightweight , touchable and responsive library to create a carousel for angular 2 / 4 / 5 26 21 ngx-slick-carousel Angular 6+ wrapper for slick plugin 47 22 angular-kaarousel angularJS carousel 22 23 angular-flickity An AngularJS wrapper for Flickity (Touch, responsive, flickable carousels) 34 24 ngx-image-gallery Probably the best Angular 4+ modal and inline image gallery. Angular upgrade for ng-image-gallery. 74 25 ngx-siema Lightweight and simple carousel with no dependencies. 48 26 angular-carousel ng-carousel directive 16 27 angular-owl-carousel-2 Owl Carousel 2 Imp for angularjs 14 28 carouselar Angular Carousel 7 29 angular-jk-carousel 30 egjs-flicking Reliable, flexible and extendable carousel used by 30 million people everyday. 428 31 ngCarouselDirective A simple NativeScript + Angular 4 images carousel for iOS and Android 9 32 angular-flickr-carousel A directive for creating an angular-ui carousel with photos from flickr. 6 33 ngx-carousel Angular Universal carousel is an lightweight , touchable and responsive library 9 34 angular-carousel A mobile friendly carousel based on angularJS directive. 5 35 angular-3d-carousel An angular.js directive for a customizable, interactive 3D carousel. 14 36 hibiscus.js Native Angular directives for Bootstrap4 82 37 angularjs-ui-bootstrap-carousel How to implement Carousel Image Gallery With AngularJS UI Bootstrap, ASP.NET MVC and Entity Framework. See tutorial 3 38 angular-simple-slider An AngularJS directive providing a simple slider functionality 15 39 AngularSuperSlickCarousel Angular Carousel – This is the BEST Angular Carousel on the Web — Try It and See for Yourself 4 40 nglp-angular-material-landing-page NGLP is an Angular Material Landing Page. 19 41 angular2-carousel-component 7 42 owl-carousel-with-angular6 Implementing Owl Carousel with Angular 6 3 43 sexy-carousel Pure angular/flexbox based carousel – no dependency on other third party librarys 44 angular-multi-carousel Showcase multiple carousel items at once 45 ngRoundabout Three-dimensional HTML5 carousel implemented in Angular.js. 15 46 nativescript-carousel-ng Simple NativeScript Carousel implementation with Angular. 2 47 ng2-owl-carousel2 Owl Carosel for Angular 2+ 2 48 angular-carousel 2 49 owlcarousel-angularjs AngularJS Wrapper for Owl Carousel 2 50 oshop Online organic eCommerce website using Angular and Bootstrap. Includes sliding carousel, font awesome, bootstrap tabs… 7

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