AngularJS directive for image and sound viewing bases on HTML5 canvas


If you are looking for angular directive for image and sound viewing then in this post I am going to share simple lightweight AngularJS directive for image and sound viewing which you can configure in your angular app to display images with some additional feature which have all the image viewing application like rotate, zoom in, zoom out etc.


  • [x] Support many format of pictures and sound (PNG, JPG, PDF, TIFF, WAV, OGG, MPEG)
  • [x] Module delivery or whole package
  • [x] Image rotation and Zoom parametric ( Rotation angle by default is set to 90°)
  • [x] External control
  • [x] Metadata information extraction
  • [x] Support multipage ( TIFF and PDF)

How to build

You need npm package manager :

# npm install
# gulp dist

How to use it

The directive usage is as follow ( CanvasViewer.min.worker.js must be in same folder that CanvasViewer.min.js but not in script tag ), src can be either a string or a File or Blob object :