FREE Games With Source Code – Are you looking for FREE Games With Source Code, If yes then in this post I am going to share hand-picked FREE Games With Source Code for you. You can play these games on modern browsers such as Chrome and Firefox on desktop as well as on devices such as iPhone and Android (via Cordova). Having a look at Open Source HTML5 games is a good way to explore different possibilities and learn how to develop one of your own. The best thing about these open source HTML5 and JavaScript games is that you can easily download their source code in your computer, modify it according to your needs, run it using the web browser and even re-distribute it however you like.
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FREE Games With Source Code
Following are the list of FREE Games With Source Code.
Memory Game – DEMO
A JavaScript memory game on Codepen ! Click the cards and find matches to win.. you know how to play. Hope you like it 🙂
Snake Game – DEMO
Html5 Game
game – DEMO
Mario like simple javascript game
JavaScript Hangman game – DEMO
A JavaScript Hangman game with canvas animatoin.
Zero lines JS game – DEMO
This is zero lines JS game. Only CSS and HTML, without JS =)
2048 game – DEMO
COLORON GAME: inspiring developers to use SVG Animations, ES6 and Flexbox – DEMO
A game made to inspire developers to use GSAP, ES6 and Flexbox
Flip – card memory game. – DEMO
Super old project I remembered about. Just thought I’d share it with you awesome CodePen people. Have some fun 🙂
Tile Game – DEMO
My first attempt at coding a game using html, css and jQuery. It’s pretty random as far as games go and I know canvas is likely a far better choice here but I just wanted to see if I could pull it off. Anyway… enjoy! 🙂
Tic Tac Toe game – DEMO
Maze (Grid) – Pure CSS Game – No JS – DEMO
A little game to demonstrate how can create a game without Java Script at all and using only pure CSS
farmer idle game – DEMO
A quick weekend prototype to try and replicate the SUPERHOT time warp effect. Your movement directly affects the speed of time. Move quickly and the game ascends to real time. Slow down and the game does the same.
8bit gaming room /w Nintendo & GTA – DEMO
Check out my video of how i created this piece of… [3hour]
KIll The Birds
Game of Thrones Simulator – DEMO
Snake Game – DEMO
An old style Snake game in Javascript… Have fun!
Tower Blocks – DEMO
Tower building game. Place blocks by clicking, tapping or spacebarring. A clone of Stack
Color Match Game — Broken – DEMO
Coding exercise: this game is purposefully broken and needs to be fixed.
Snake Game – CSS Renderer – DEMO
This is a basic snake game made with JavaScript for logic and CSS for rendering. Use the arrow keys or WASD to control the snake. You can loop through walls.
A simple Hangman-game – DEMO
A simple game in which the user guesses the letters in a word
Word Guessing Game – DEMO
My first attempt at a game in JS.. Guess from over 70 web related words! Hope you like it 🙂
Align 4 Game – DEMO
The classic game, played against an AI opponent. Applies the minimax algorithm to pick its moves. Coded as a multi-threaded app using a web worker.
Simon® Game – DEMO
Exercise (“Zipline”) I5 for the new curriculum. It’uses the new AudioContext API, so you need an up-to-date browser to run it.
Web Trivia Game – DEMO
A plain and and simple web trivia game that uses a little GSAP and NO jQuery.
Polar Area Chart (Game of Thrones) – DEMO
A polar area chart showing prominent Game of Thrones characters’ on-screen time and number of episodes. Built using D3 with data from user “Sellsword” on the Game of Thrones forums.
Responsive Donkey Kong Game & Watch – DEMO
HTML/ CSS Donkey Kong . No images. Responsive Game & Watch, Game Boy & Mini Classic.
Simple Snake Game based on Tutorial – DEMO
Math Game – DEMO
A Game About Adding and Subtracting
Game Of Life – DEMO
Conway’s Game of Life.
HTML5 canvas games – POKEMON ! – DEMO
HTML5 Canvas Pokemon Game What more awesome doing a game for fun on HTML5 canvas also when it has to do with the legendary POKEMON !
Pure CSS Tic-tac-toe – DEMO
I have seen demos of pure CSS Tic-tac-toe games, but I was unable to find a version that truly works. If I have missed it, please send me link, so I can see how another dev has created it.
CSS Snake & Ladders: a multiplayer game developed in HTML+CSS with no JS – DEMO
Snakes and Ladders is an ancient Indian board game regarded today as a worldwide classic. This is a multiplayer version (1-4 players) developed using HTML and CSS without any JavaScript. It is based on the idea of using radio-buttons, and labels to activate the radios, making the pieces move only using CSS positioning.
Jquery 3 Cups game – DEMO
A simple 3 cups, game built on css3 and jquery
Slingshot Game – DEMO
A slingshot game example created with the Matter.js physics engine. Pull back the rock on the slingshot to fire!
Daily Pen #010: A generic Infinite Runner game – DEMO
I made this game in less than 24 working hours, it’s to celebrate 10 days making daily pens. I used sketch.js to work with canvas.
Particle exploder (mini-game) – DEMO
Click anywhere to make an explosion. If any of the particles will bump into your explosion they’ll explode aswell, making a chain reaction. See how many particles you can get! Click again to start a new game
Brainymo – Memory game – DEMO
Frontend technologies memory game. For best experience open in full page view 🙂
Sweet Memory Game – HTML5, JS and SCSS – DEMO
Sweet Animated Memory Game
JS Planet defense game – DEMO
Protect the planet! Destroy the asteroids to save your people! It’s my first canvas game, enjoy it! 🙂
React Memory Game – DEMO
A small memory game made by ReactJS – ES6 syntax Inspired by Tuan, my colleague
PhysicsJS Asteroids Game Tutorial (Full) – DEMO
(final) From the tutorial Building a 2D Asteroids Game with PhysicsJS on flippinawesome.
Game of Life (React + Redux) – DEMO
Game of Life in React and Redux An implementation of John Conway’s Game of Life in React and Redux.
English Alphabets Game – DEMO
A simple game to teach kids the English alphabets. I did this as an experiment while learning Javascript.
I Hope you liked Hand-picked list of FREE Games With Source Code, Don’t forget to Subscribe My Public Notebook for more useful Hand-picked HTML and CSS code examples, tutorials and articles.