30 Popular Free PHP Chat Script

Are you looking for Free PHP Chat Script for your web based application. If yes then in this post I am going to share hand picked top rated Free PHP Chat Script. You can use these popular Free PHP Chat Script to make your web application more awesome and build live chat between your website users.

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Free PHP Chat Script

Following are the list of popular top rated hand picked Free PHP Chat Script.

S.No. Name Details Popularity
1 botman A framework agnostic PHP library to build chat bots 4.7k
2 Chat-API The php WhatsApp library 4k
3 Organizr HTPC/Homelab Services Organizer – Written in PHP 2.2k
4 weechat The extensible chat client. 1.7k
5 LaneWeChat 微信PHP快速开发框架!将微信的各个功能进行了封装,只需要简单的调用方法和传递参数即可。 1.4k
6 movim Movim – Decentralized social platform 884
7 workerman-chat Websocket chat room written in PHP based on workerman. 804
8 opensource-socialnetwork Open Source Social Network (OSSN) is a social networking software written in PHP. It allows you to make a social netw… 487
9 AJAX-Chat A fully customizable web chat implemented in JavaScript, PHP and MySQL which integrates nicely with common forum syst… 476
10 PHPWebSocket-Chat Flexable and extensible WebSocket chat application example with a PHP server. 329
11 phpfreechat phpfreechat is a simple web based chat 320
12 mercurius Real-time Messenger for Laravel 274
13 twich node.js + php realtime browser-based chat app supporting multiple rooms. Based on ry/node_chat. 246
14 swoole-webim-demo 使用swoole扩展和php开发的一个在线聊天室(Making a Web Chat With PHP and Swoole) 231
15 Mega-WeChat 基于Swoole的微信发送模板消息队列服务 199
16 chatter-bot-api A Mono/.NET, JAVA, Python and PHP chatter bot API that supports Cleverbot, JabberWacky and Pandorabots. 187
17 jin-chat Complete PC chat system based on EasySwoole and PHP (IM聊天应用) 142
18 Chat-Using-WebSocket-and-PHP-Socket Simple Example of Chat system using PHP socket and HTML5 WebSockets 122
19 CRMEB_WeChatMiniProgram CRMEBv2.6以客户管理为中心+电商营销系统,微信小程序商城,带分销、秒杀、积分、优惠券等功能 113
20 Chat-Realtime Public & Private message. MySQL & Firebase. 109
21 chatbot-php-boilerplate This package makes it simple to start building a chatbot in PHP. Give me 10 minutes of your time and I will give you … 103
22 WeChatPHP-SDK SDK to admin.wechat.com for php 103
23 talk-example This project is demo for Laravel-Talk package and its also Docker ready 102
24 Facebook-Chat-Bot A simple Facebook Messenger Bot written in PHP that tells current time 90
25 Video-Call-App A text, audio and video chat application built with webRTC and Ratchet (PHP WebSocket) 80
26 chatbot chatbot, an aiml interpreter for PHP 78
27 wasapbot [abandoned ❗] Simple WhatsApp bot written in PHP, respond to private & group messages. Uses Chat-API 75
28 chatwithlaravelandvue Creating Real Time chat with Laravel, Vue and Pusher 73
29 yii2-simplechat A simple chat for your yii2 application 69
30 chat PHP Chat Example 55

I Hope you liked Hand-picked list of Free PHP Chat Script, Don’t forget to Subscribe My Public Notebook for more useful Hand-picked PHP and MySql code examples, tutorials and articles.

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