In this post I am going to share awesome Highly Configurable Auto Text Typing Library – typed.js. It animates your text to make it look like it is being typing. Typed.js is a library that types. Enter in any string, and watch it type at the speed you’ve set, backspace what it’s typed, and begin a new sentence for however many strings you’ve set.
Include plugin library from CDN.
Define an array of strings to type in the page.
var typed = new Typed(".element", { strings: ["String 1", "& String 2", ...] }); |
Rather than using the strings
array to insert strings, you can place an HTML div
on the page and read from it.
This allows bots and search engines, as well as users with JavaScript disabled, to see your text on the page.
<script> var typed = new Typed('#typed', { stringsElement: '#typed-strings' }); script> |
Typed.js is a JavaScript library.
It types out sentences.
Type Pausing – You can pause in the middle of a string for a given amount of time by including an escape character.
var typed = new Typed(".element", { // Waits 1000ms after typing "First" strings: ["First ^1000 sentence.", "Second sentence."] }); |
Smart Backspacing – In the following example, this would only backspace the words after “This is a”
var typed = new Typed(".element", { strings: ["This is a JavaScript library", "This is an ES6 module"], smartBackspace: true // Default value }); |
Bulk Typing – The following example would emulate how a terminal acts when typing a command and seeing its result.
var typed = new Typed(".element", { strings: [ "git push --force ^1000\n `pushed to origin with option force`" ] }); |
Use the following options to customise the auto text typing.
var typed = new Typed(".element", { /** * @property {array} strings strings to be typed * @property {string} stringsElement ID of element containing string children */ strings: ['These are the default values...', 'You know what you should do?', 'Use your own!', 'Have a great day!'], stringsElement: null, /** * @property {number} typeSpeed type speed in milliseconds */ typeSpeed: 0, /** * @property {number} startDelay time before typing starts in milliseconds */ startDelay: 0, /** * @property {number} backSpeed backspacing speed in milliseconds */ backSpeed: 0, /** * @property {boolean} smartBackspace only backspace what doesn't match the previous string */ smartBackspace: true, /** * @property {boolean} shuffle shuffle the strings */ shuffle: false, /** * @property {number} backDelay time before backspacing in milliseconds */ backDelay: 700, /** * @property {boolean} fadeOut Fade out instead of backspace * @property {string} fadeOutClass css class for fade animation * @property {boolean} fadeOutDelay Fade out delay in milliseconds */ fadeOut: false, fadeOutClass: 'typed-fade-out', fadeOutDelay: 500, /** * @property {boolean} loop loop strings * @property {number} loopCount amount of loops */ loop: false, loopCount: Infinity, /** * @property {boolean} showCursor show cursor * @property {string} cursorChar character for cursor * @property {boolean} autoInsertCss insert CSS for cursor and fadeOut into HTML */ showCursor: true, cursorChar: '|', autoInsertCss: true, /** * @property {string} attr attribute for typing * Ex: input placeholder, value, or just HTML text */ attr: null, /** * @property {boolean} bindInputFocusEvents bind to focus and blur if el is text input */ bindInputFocusEvents: false, /** * @property {string} contentType 'html' or 'null' for plaintext */ contentType: 'html', /** * All typing is complete * @param {Typed} self */ onComplete: (self) => {}, /** * Before each string is typed * @param {number} arrayPos * @param {Typed} self */ preStringTyped: (arrayPos, self) => {}, /** * After each string is typed * @param {number} arrayPos * @param {Typed} self */ onStringTyped: (arrayPos, self) => {}, /** * During looping, after last string is typed * @param {Typed} self */ onLastStringBackspaced: (self) => {}, /** * Typing has been stopped * @param {number} arrayPos * @param {Typed} self */ onTypingPaused: (arrayPos, self) => {}, /** * Typing has been started after being stopped * @param {number} arrayPos * @param {Typed} self */ onTypingResumed: (arrayPos, self) => {}, /** * After reset * @param {Typed} self */ onReset: (self) => {}, /** * After stop * @param {number} arrayPos * @param {Typed} self */ onStop: (arrayPos, self) => {}, /** * After start * @param {number} arrayPos * @param {Typed} self */ onStart: (arrayPos, self) => {}, /** * After destroy * @param {Typed} self */ onDestroy: (self) => {} }); |
showCursor: true,
cursorChar: ‘|’,
autoInsertCss: true,
* @property {string} attr attribute for typing
* Ex: input placeholder, value, or just HTML text
attr: null,
* @property {boolean} bindInputFocusEvents bind to focus and blur if el is text input
bindInputFocusEvents: false,
* @property {string} contentType ‘html’ or ‘null’ for plaintext
contentType: ‘html’,
* All typing is complete
* @param {Typed} self
onComplete: (self) => {},
* Before each string is typed
* @param {number} arrayPos
* @param {Typed} self
preStringTyped: (arrayPos, self) => {},
* After each string is typed
* @param {number} arrayPos
* @param {Typed} self
onStringTyped: (arrayPos, self) => {},
* During looping, after last string is typed
* @param {Typed} self
onLastStringBackspaced: (self) => {},
* Typing has been stopped
* @param {number} arrayPos
* @param {Typed} self
onTypingPaused: (arrayPos, self) => {},
* Typing has been started after being stopped
* @param {number} arrayPos
* @param {Typed} self
onTypingResumed: (arrayPos, self) => {},
* After reset
* @param {Typed} self
onReset: (self) => {},
* After stop
* @param {number} arrayPos
* @param {Typed} self
onStop: (arrayPos, self) => {},
* After start
* @param {number} arrayPos
* @param {Typed} self
onStart: (arrayPos, self) => {},
* After destroy
* @param {Typed} self
onDestroy: (self) => {}
See live demo and download source code.
This awesome plugin is developed by mattboldt. Visit their official github repository for more information and follow for future updates.