How to install express using express generator


In this post i am going to show you, How to install nodejs express framework using express generator tool.

This tool will automatically create express framework skeleton for your application with default templating engine jade Where we use jade for html markup.

I assume that you already have npm and nodejs installed in your system.
How to install nodeJs

Install express-generator globally using npm

$ sudo npm install express-generator -g

Test express installed successfully or not using below command.

Now time to create your first app using express generator.


Now go to your first-app directory and run npm install

$ cd first-app
$ npm install

Above command read all the dependencies form package.json file and installed in your project directory like jade templating engine module.

Your directory structure will look like somthing.

Finally time to run your first express application on browser. hit below command on terminal


Go to your web browser and hit your localhost url with port 5000.

You can see the landing page of express framework.

Hope this tutorial will help you to setup express framework in your system.

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