Improve page load speed of wordpress website using “WP Super Cache”


In this post I am going to introduce a very useful wordpress cache plugin named “WP Super Cache”. This plugin is very useful if you want to improve your wordpress website performance. It makes wordpress website faster to load. The plugin serves cached files in 3 ways Mod_Rewrite, PHP caching, Legacy caching. this plugin is really efficient to server caching feature for your website and beneficial for reducing page load speed. Plugin generates static html files from your dynamic WordPress blog. After a html file is generated your web server will serve that file instead of processing the comparatively heavier and more expensive WordPress PHP scripts.

You can customize file caching settings that how much time file should cached and whenever you write any new post cached should be automatically removed and many more, So that you get better performance for your wordpress website. installation and implementation of this plugin is really simple. In Just few seconds you can apply caching feature in your wordpress website.

Installing WP Super Cache in wordpress

Step.1: Login into your wordpress admin panel.

Step.2: Go to Plugins => Add New and type “WP Super Cache” in search box, hit enter key.

Step.3: After that install it and don’t forget to activate it.
Step.4: Now you will see a link “WP Super Cache” under settings tab click that link.

Step.5: Switch to Caching On mod and click on Update Status. All done.

You can also apply some advance caching setting as recommended by WP Super Cache like.
Advanced users will probably want to use mod_rewrite caching, but PHP caching is almost as good and recommended for everyone else. Enable the following:

Recommended Settings

* PHP caching.
* Compress pages.
* Don’t cache pages for known users.
* Cache rebuild.
* CDN support.
* Extra homepage checks.

I hope this tutorial will help you to boost your wordpress blog/website performance.
Thanks 🙂

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