jQuery Custom Google Map Plugins – Are you looking for jQuery Custom Google Map Plugins, If yes then in this post I am going to share hand-picked jQuery Custom Google Map Plugins for you. There are many business websites which integrate Google Maps so that people can easily locate them. It is all done with the help of jQuery Google Map plugins. jQuery Google Map plugins allow you to easily integrate Google Maps in your webpage. These plugins are quite useful and extensively used over the globe. You can use these jQuery Custom Google Map Plugins in your next web based projects.
jQuery Custom Google Map Plugins
Following are the list of jQuery Custom Google Map Plugins.
Custom Google Map – DEMO
A custom google map to show company location on your website. It can be easily customised to perfectly fit your website style! – By codyhouse
Angular.js – Google Map – DEMO
Angular UI Google maps – https://angular-ui.github.io/angular-google-maps – By joe-watkins
Google Maps Polygon Coordinates Tool – DEMO
Outputs the coordinates (longitude, latitude) for Google Maps whenever the Polygon is moved or re-shaped. Recently added a ‘Copy to Clipboard’ button and had data output into a textarea for easier copying & pasting – By jhawes
Responsive Google Map – DEMO
Responsive google map that re-centers the pin on resize and load… Every other version I have seen does not recenter! – By hubpork
AngularJS + Google Maps API – DEMO
Using Google Maps API as a service in an Angular app. – By MarcMalignan
Responsive/customisable Google Maps – DEMO
Loads static or dynamic Google Map based on configurable breakpoint (resize window to preview). Support for custom map styles, markers, info window, legend. – By clintabrown
Responsive contact form using Bootstrap 3 and Google Maps API – DEMO
Responsive contact form using Bootstrap 3 and Google Maps API – By craigwheeler
Google Maps API v3 – Basic Map – DEMO
Simple explanation of how to add a map to a website using Google Maps API v3 – By dbugger
Custom Animated Google Maps Markers – DEMO
A css map marker with animations on a google map. Dependencies / Credits jQuery Google Maps dynamics.js | Michaël Villar – By dylanvann
Google map: marker cluster by country – DEMO
A way to group marker by countries or whatever you want – By jvallet
Custom Google Map – DEMO
Custom Google Map using javascript – By samuelkavin
Google Maps Example: Nightly – DEMO
– By ionic
Gradient over Google Maps – DEMO
Just a little demo to show you how to put a gradient using CSS over a Google Map. I’ve used HAML & SCSS to keep the code nice and clean! If you have any questions or problems, just ask in the comments below or follow me on Twitter. – By mattsince87
Toggling Google Map – DEMO
Toggles a Google map. – By twelve31
Custom Google Maps – DEMO
Dribble Inspiration: https://dribbble.com/shots/1603413-Cody-Custom-Pages Map Source: http://codyhouse.co/gem/custom-google-map/ – By tobydennison
Two Google Maps on the same page – DEMO
How to display two maps on the same page with Google Maps JavaScript API v3. http://en.marnoto.com – By Marnoto
Google Map Directive AngularJS – DEMO
Google Map Directive AngularJS, Available on Github – By elmahdim
Nearby Hospital using Google Map and Geolocation API – DEMO
Author: arsho Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ars.shovon Customized Google map to display nearby hospitals in current location. – By arsho
Generate A Google Map Image – DEMO
Generate a Google map image via jQuery. – By CSWApps
Simple Google Maps API shortest route calculator – DEMO
Given a number of interesting places, which is the shortest distance away from a “current position”. This code demonstrates how easy it is to find out this information using the Google Maps routing API. The distances we use here are the route distances, not straight line ones, so is more realistic estimate as it takes in to account road directions etc. – By jasonmayes
Angular google maps + firebase – DEMO
Angular google maps + firebase v2.2.4 with custom map skin(https://snazzymaps.com). view, create and delete polygons in realtime. – By jealeat96
Custom google map – DEMO
Pen show how easy you can customize google map. – By jakubtursky
Custom Google Map with animated markers – DEMO
Custom Google Map with a custom style, custom Infobox, custom Zoom Control, custom Markers and custom Marker animations. – By zzavrski
Custom Google Map in Black Fullscreen with Custom Icon and Drop Animation – DEMO
Using the google map embed API with custom styling and arrow marker. – By simsketch
Google Map Hover Effect – DEMO
A cool hover effect for a Google map. Uses Google’s static map generator. You can change the lat/long values in the DOM and it will update everything for you. Sizes in the DOM and CSS should be equal. – By redouglas
SVG Marker for Google Maps API Example – DEMO
Google Maps JavaScript API overlay class to easily add markers with an SVG image as the icon. – By defvayne23
Google Map Menu – DEMO
Just a tabbed menu of google maps. – By SMLMRKHLMS
Proof of concept: Google Maps Autocomplete – DEMO
A simple prototype of a Google Maps autocompletion input field with a preview of the location and the JSON response. – By hofmannsven
Google Maps SVG Marker – DEMO
Use a SVG as an Google Maps Marker. Including gradients and shadows. – By ro-ka
Angular Google Maps – DEMO
Angular Google Maps experiment. – By EvanWieland
Responsive Auto-Centered Google Map – DEMO
A Google map that auto-centers on resize, powered by the Google Maps API. Complete explaination in a post my my blog. Derived from work by James New – By dudleystorey
Custom SVG Pin with Label in Google Maps – DEMO
Notice how I can pass a SVG data-uri as the icon image for a google maps marker & change its content via js. This way we retain all the behaviour for default maker but with our custom pin! Only real caveat to this technique is you have to style and position your label in the svg – By TheMarufm
Waypoints in directions – Google maps API – DEMO
Trying out the google maps api – By josephrexme
Input Form on Google map background – DEMO
Based on http://www.labnol.org/internet/embed-google-maps-background/28457/ – By adamrifai
Google Maps and Leaflet.js – DEMO
A quick pen to show integration with Google Maps and Leaflet.js into a web page. For leaflet to work you need to make sure you include their JS file and CSS file as you can see here if you look at the details for those areas. See comments in HTML for how to change default Google Maps zoom level and comments in JS for how to change the default zoom and location for leaflet. – By chris0stein
Google Map using Maplace.js – DEMO
implementation of Google Map using Maplace.js http://maplacejs.com/ – By invincibleking77
5 ways to customize the Google Maps infowindow – DEMO
How you can create an infowindow header, repositioning of its tail, change the infowindow size and background color, give a new look to the infowindow close button, rounded corners and a fade effect. – By Marnoto
Syncing chart with Google Maps – DEMO
This demo shows how to use events to two-way sync a JavaScript Chart and Google Map. – By team
Google Maps Custom Colors – DEMO
Example of styling Google maps with custom colours. Production version also uses custom infobox styling. – By DarrellWilson
Google Map with Multiple Markers (Simple) – DEMO
This is a simple way of embedding a Google Map with multiple markers. You can add more markers, change the map size, zoom level, center of the map, etc. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. – By engza
Google Map itinéraire style dark – DEMO
Google Map itinéraire style dark – By MAX-P
vue2-google-maps – DEMO
– By leonardo-dev
Custom Google Maps Info Window – DEMO
Source: http://gmaps-samples-v3.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/infowindow_custom/infowindow-custom.html I’ve changed the code, so that multiple markers are possible and infobox styling is now done with css. – By emgerold
Lazy Load Google Maps API (jQuery) – DEMO
Lazyload the Google Maps API, using data attributes for lat/long, responsive map canvas. – By svinkle
Google Map Click on link/tab to change marker location map – DEMO
This Pen is for Google Map change marker location on click tab. Feel free to let me know if this project can be improve. – By honminyue
Responsive Google Map – DEMO
Responsive google map that re-centers the pin on resize and load… Every other version I have seen does not recenter! – By jamesnew
Google Maps Static Map Generator – DEMO
Input your parameters and I’ll create you a Static Map URL! Pretty simple, but it should provide nice easy ways to create maps without CTRL+C the Google Maps Documentation every time! 🙂 – By simeydotme
Custom markers – Google Maps – DEMO
Custom Google Maps markers with text labels – ex. room prices for hotels. – By thomasclausen
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