40 Popular jQuery Image Crop / Resize Plugins


Are you looking for jQuery Image Crop / Resize Plugins for your web based application. If yes then in this post I am going to share hand picked top rated jQuery Image Crop / Resize Plugins. You can use these popular jQuery Image Crop / Resize Plugins to make your web application more awesome.

Following are the list of popular top rated hand picked jQuery Image Crop / Resize Plugins.

S.No. Name Short Description Popularity
(Likes) 1 cropper A simple jQuery image cropping plugin. 7.7k 2 jquery-focuspoint jQuery plugin for ‘responsive cropping’. Dynamically crop images to fill available space without cutting out the image’… 3.2k 3 jWindowCrop Image Cropping jQuery Plugin 81 4 jquery.fileapi jQuery.FileAPI — jquery plugin for FileAPI (multiupload, image upload, crop, resize and etc.) 874 5 guillotine jQuery plugin to crop images within an area (fully responsive), allowing to drag (touch support), zoom and rotate. 309 6 jQcrop Image Cropping jQuery Plugin 33 7 jrac jQuery Resize And Crop (jrac) is a jQuery plugin that build a viewport around a given image permitting to visually re… 141 8 ember-cli-image-cropper Ember-cli addon for cropping/resizing images based on the jQuery Cropper plugin. 42 9 jQuery-Fakecrop jQuery plugin to resize and crop bigger images and elements inside a container element 91 10 jquery.slideshowify.js A Ken Burns Effect style slideshow plugin for jQuery. Fills the browser with (cropped and panned) images given a sele… 84 11 awesome-cropper jQuery plugin to crop images on client by load from Drag’n’Drop, file select and URL 47 12 laravel-croppic Upload and edit image using Croppic jQuery plugin 23 13 Simple-Image-Crop Simple jQuery image crop plugin with PHP backend 17 14 imgareaselect ImgAreaSelect is a jQuery plugin for selecting a rectangular area of an image. It allows web developers to easily imp… 684 15 SimpleCropper jQuery plugin for image cropping. It uses jCrop and html5 canvas. 26 16 jquery-mu-image-resize Mu-Image-Resize is a jQuery Plugin to resize and crop the images with specific class names. 17 17 resizeAndCrop jQuery plugin to resize and crop images while preserving aspect ratio. Can also be used for lazy image loading and im… 21 18 cropper Cropping images using jcrop jquery plugin in Rails 5. https://rubyplus.com/articles/3951-Cropping-Images-using-jCrop-j… 4 19 crop-select-js A simple image cropping selection jQuery plugin. 8 20 jquery.imagecrop upload and crop images with this jQuery plugin 2 21 yii2-jcrop-widget This yii2 extension is a wrapper for the jQuery Image Cropping Plugin (jcrop) 9 22 rcrop Responsive Cropper is a full responsive JQuery plugin that lets you select an area from an image and prepare crop inf… 25 23 yii2-image-cropper Yii2 extension for cropping existing image using imgAreaSelect jquery plugin. http://odyniec.net/projects/imgareaselect/ 3 24 CKFinderJcrop CKFinder plugin of a much needed image cropping feature using the JQuery based JCrop 5 25 jquery-canvas-crop A canvas-based jQuery plugin for image cropping. 3 26 jquery-ui-croppable jQuery UI Plugin for web based image cropping 3 27 csCrop Client Side Image Cropping Plugin for jQuery 1 28 CropOnTheFly A jQuery plugin which allows you to crop images on the fly 4 29 responsive-image-cropper This is a simple OOP jQuery plugin to support getting crop dimensions in decimal format, to provide to a backend crop… 30 easyCrop A simple jQuery plugin to effectively crop and resize images. 2 31 jquery-plugin-bsModal bsModal is jQuery plugin, generate bootstrap 4 modal, And crop&upload image modal. 2 32 imageCrop image cropping plugin with jQuery by jacean 33 jquery_image_cropper Image Cropper jQuery plugin 1 34 crop-killa image-cropping jQuery plugin 1 35 jquerycropping Jquer plugin for image cropping. 36 fit a jQuery plugin for centering and cropping images 2 37 image-crop-plugin A simple jQuery image cropping plugin. 38 jquery.handcrop jQuery plugin for images cropping 39 cropMe A “true” jQuery image cropping plugin. 40 jquery-ansel This jQuery plugin provides backward-compatible image cropping and zooming functionality for a variety of browser to … 3

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