30+ jQuery Lazy Load Plugins

jQuery Lazy Load Plugins – Are you looking for jQuery Lazy Load Plugins, If yes then in this post I am going to share hand-picked jQuery Lazy Load Plugins for you. Lazy loading is a technique to delay loading of images/videos on the webpage without interrupting loading of complete page. It is a useful and necessary feature as it improves page load time and gives better user experience. You can use these jQuery Lazy Load Plugins in your next web based projects.

jQuery Lazy Load Plugins

Following are the list of jQuery Lazy Load Plugins.

Lazy Load Images DEMO

  Lazy Load Images

Lazy load images by initially loading a low res version and then replacing it with a higher res version once the page is done loading.

Lazy loading with inline SVG DEMO

  Lazy loading with inline SVG

Lazy loading with inline SVGs. Using inline SVGs to create lightweight thumbnails that creates a better before experience compared to blurred rendered thumbnails.

Lazy Load for Background Images DEMO

  Lazy Load for Background Images

UPDATE (3/23/18) – since people are still looking at this, I’ve made an updated fork that uses the Intersection Observer API for better performance (with polyfill). I’ve also updated it to use JS to load the image off screen, which allows us to wait to start the transition until we know the image is loaded. Yay better perf + animation

Lazy load background-images DEMO

  Lazy load background-images

Function to lazy load background-images

Lazy Load on Scroll DEMO

  Lazy Load on Scroll

Lazy Load on Scroll demonstration with the lightweight JS PLugin Unveil by Luís Almeida Thanks!

Ajax Lazy Load with AngularJS DEMO

  Ajax Lazy Load with AngularJS

Quickly put together lazy load of a JSON feed using AngularJS.

Lazy Load with IntersectionObserver API DEMO

  Lazy Load with IntersectionObserver API

Lazy-load AddThis DEMO

  Lazy-load AddThis

For some reason clients love AddThis. Yeah, it’s easy to add to the page and saves time on fiddling with custom API calls, but it totally destroys page performance! Here’s a trick to lazy-load it asynchronously.

“Simple” lazy load images DEMO


Lazy loading using blazy DEMO

  Lazy loading using blazy

Submission for the codepen blogging challenge #03: Figure and figcaption. Used the blazy library for lazy loading images, configured blazy to use different images for mobile and desktop. Enjoyed working with it!

Lazy Load Google Maps API (jQuery) DEMO

  Lazy Load Google Maps API (jQuery)

Lazyload the Google Maps API, using data attributes for lat/long, responsive map canvas.

Lazy Load DEMO

  Lazy Load

Lazy Load demonstration.

Lazy Load Simulation DEMO

  Lazy Load Simulation

Simulating lazy load on-click to generate additional “results” for HTML mockup purposes. Created to look like Fuel UX Infinite Scroll option.

Lazy load based on waypoints.js DEMO

  Lazy load based on waypoints.js

Intended for adaptive image load – Hence the noscript implementation

Lazy loading images DEMO

  Lazy loading images

Lazy loading images with Cloudinary & lazysizes http://cloudinary.com https://github.com/aFarkas/lazysizes

Lazy Load XT Demo DEMO

  Lazy Load XT Demo

Demo how images load through the Lazy Load XT plugin

Performant lazy-load technique for 2018 DEMO

  Performant lazy-load technique for 2018

Utilises the new Intersection Observer API. Which has zero jank and runs at the full 60fps using ultra lightweight vanilla JavaScript.

Lazy Loading Logos DEMO

  Lazy Loading Logos

Replacing – with javaScript – a small inline SVG data URI with only embedded text inside on the src-tag with the url of the external image stored in a data-attribute.

maCSSonry grid layout by @kseso DEMO

  maCSSonry grid layout by @kseso

CSS Grid Layout as masonry with ‘grid-auto-flow: dense’. Look at number of pics and the empty spaces inside grid when initial/dense value changes

Dominant Color Lazy Loading DEMO

  Dominant Color Lazy Loading

Inspired by Medium’s website.

Slick + Photoswipe Image Gallery & Zoom DEMO

  Slick + Photoswipe Image Gallery & Zoom

A responsive, lazy loading, photo gallery and zoom using Slick Slider and Photoswipe.

DADI / CDN: Lazy loading images with placeholders DEMO

  DADI / CDN: Lazy loading images with placeholders

Lazy loading images DEMO

  Lazy loading images

NEW VERSION! Vanilla JavaScript! See: http://codepen.io/Merri/pen/WbEWgP Didn’t see any approaches that would be short in HTML syntax which would also account for JavaScript not being enabled.

OWL Lazy Load DEMO

  OWL Lazy Load

Masonry layout Pure #CSS Grid + lazy-load v.2 by @kseso DEMO

  Masonry layout Pure #CSS Grid + lazy-load v.2 by @kseso

Now with Lazy-Load images (javasacript made by Furoya)

Lazy Loading with Intersection Observer Example DEMO

  Lazy Loading with Intersection Observer Example

Lightbox without JS, with lazy load DEMO

  Lightbox without JS, with lazy load

A simple Lightbox made without JavaScript. It simply works with :focus pseudo-class on the trigger element.

Angular Lazy Load DEMO

  Angular Lazy Load

bLazy.js – horizontal scroll example DEMO

  bLazy.js - horizontal scroll example

Lazy load images, horizontal page

IntersectionObserver – lazy-loading DEMO

  IntersectionObserver - lazy-loading

Lazy loading list items DEMO

  Lazy loading list items

I’m slicing the first 20 elements and hiding the rest. When the list height plus the list scrollTop is higher than the container it’s in, it runs the next function which slices the min to max variables and fades in those items.

Lazy Loading Example DEMO

  Lazy Loading Example

Infinite Scroll Lazy Loading Gallery With Simple jQuery DEMO

  Infinite Scroll Lazy Loading Gallery With Simple jQuery

A present for February by @Xilantra. Working in progress!

Lazy Loading Fig+Figcaption & Flipping Card DEMO

  Lazy Loading Fig+Figcaption & Flipping Card

Figure & Figcaption combo with some extra features in the form of a short description added on hover of the caption and the back side of the figure for a full description. Can be used in a portfolio to showcase both the work and an extensive description in a relatively small space.

Lazy loading video iframe with placeholder DEMO

  Lazy loading video iframe with placeholder

Lazy load video iframes like youtube, vimeo etc. data-width and data-height are optional. They set the aspect-ratio for the placeholder to match the video.

Loading Effect for Items and Picture Lazy Load DEMO

  Loading Effect for Items and Picture Lazy Load

Show items in with a css3 animation once they are in the viewport. Example of a new Html5 Picture with Lazy Load.

I Hope you liked Hand-picked list of jQuery Lazy Load Plugins, Don’t forget to Subscribe My Public Notebook for more useful Hand-picked HTML and CSS code examples, tutorials and articles.

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