Lightweight Angular directive to upload files – ng-file-upload

var upload = Upload.upload({
  *url: 'server/upload/url', // upload.php script, node.js route, or servlet url
  Specify the file and optional data to be sent to the server.
  Each field including nested objects will be sent as a form data multipart.
  Samples: {pic: file, username: username}
    {files: files, otherInfo: {id: id, person: person,...}} multiple files (html5)
    {profiles: {[{pic: file1, username: username1}, {pic: file2, username: username2}]} nested array multiple files (html5)
    {file: file, info: Upload.json({id: id, name: name, ...})} send fields as json string
    {file: file, info: Upload.jsonBlob({id: id, name: name, ...})} send fields as json blob, 'application/json' content_type
    {picFile: Upload.rename(file, 'profile.jpg'), title: title} send file with picFile key and profile.jpg file name*/
  *data: {key: file, otherInfo: uploadInfo},
  This is to accommodate server implementations expecting nested data object keys in .key or [key] format.
  Example: data: {rec: {name: 'N', pic: file}} sent as: rec[name] -> N, rec[pic] -> file
     data: {rec: {name: 'N', pic: file}}, objectKey: '.k' sent as: -> N, rec.pic -> file */
  objectKey: '[k]' or '.k' // default is '[k]'
  This is to accommodate server implementations expecting array data object keys in '[i]' or '[]' or
  ''(multiple entries with same key) format.
  Example: data: {rec: [file[0], file[1], ...]} sent as: rec[0] -> file[0], rec[1] -> file[1],...
    data: {rec: {rec: [f[0], f[1], ...], arrayKey: '[]'} sent as: rec[] -> f[0], rec[] -> f[1],...*/
  arrayKey: '[i]' or '[]' or '.i' or '' //default is '[i]'
  method: 'POST' or 'PUT'(html5), default POST,
  headers: {'Authorization': 'xxx'}, // only for html5
  withCredentials: boolean,
  See resumable upload guide below the code for more details (html5 only) */
  resumeSizeUrl: '/uploaded/size/url?file=" + // uploaded file size so far on the server.
  resumeSizeResponseReader: function(data) {return data.size;} // reads the uploaded file size from resumeSizeUrl GET response
  resumeSize: function() {return promise;} // function that returns a prommise which will be
                                            // resolved to the upload file size on the server.
  resumeChunkSize: 10000 or "10KB' or '10MB' // upload in chunks of specified size
  disableProgress: boolean // default false, experimental as hotfix for potential library conflicts with other plugins
  ... and all other angular $http() options could be used here.
// returns a promise
upload.then(function(resp) {
  // file is uploaded successfully
  console.log('file ' + + 'is uploaded successfully. Response: ' +;
}, function(resp) {
  // handle error
}, function(evt) {
  // progress notify
  console.log('progress: ' + parseInt(100.0 * evt.loaded / + '% file :'+;
upload.finally(callback, notifyCallback);
/* access or attach event listeners to the underlying XMLHttpRequest */
/* cancel/abort the upload in progress. */
alternative way of uploading, send the file binary with the file's content-type.
Could be used to upload files to CouchDB, imgur, etc... html5 FileReader is needed.
This is equivalent to angular $http() but allow you to listen to the progress event for HTML5 browsers.*/
  url: '/server/upload/url',
  headers : {
    'Content-Type': file.type
  data: file
/* Set the default values for ngf-select and ngf-drop directives*/
Upload.setDefaults({ngfMinSize: 20000, ngfMaxSize:20000000, ...})
// These two defaults could be decreased if you experience out of memory issues
// or could be increased if your app needs to show many images on the page.
// Each image in ngf-src, ngf-background or ngf-thumbnail is stored and referenced as a blob url
// and will only be released if the max value of the followings is reached.
Upload.defaults.blobUrlsMaxMemory = 268435456 // default max total size of files stored in blob urls.
Upload.defaults.blobUrlsMaxQueueSize = 200 // default max number of blob urls stored by this application.
/* Convert a single file or array of files to a single or array of
base64 data url representation of the file(s).
Could be used to send file in base64 format inside json to the databases */
/* Convert the file to blob url object or base64 data url based on boolean disallowObjectUrl value */
Upload.dataUrl(file, boolean).then(function(url){...});
/* Get image file dimensions*/
Upload.imageDimensions(file).then(function(dimensions){console.log(dimensions.width, dimensions.height);});
/* Get audio/video duration*/
/* Resizes an image. Returns a promise */
// options: width, height, quality, type, ratio, centerCrop, resizeIf, restoreExif
//resizeIf(width, height) returns boolean. See ngf-resize directive for more details of options.
Upload.resize(file, options).then(function(resizedFile){...});
/* returns boolean showing if image resize is supported by this browser*/
/* returns boolean showing if resumable upload is supported by this browser*/
/* returns a file which will be uploaded with the newName instead of original file name */
Upload.rename(file, newName)
/* converts the object to a Blob object with application/json content type
for jsob byte streaming support #359 (html5 only)*/
/* converts the value to json to send data as json string. Same as angular.toJson(obj) */
/* converts a dataUrl to Blob object.*/
var blob = upload.dataUrltoBlob(dataurl, name);
/* returns true if there is an upload in progress. Can be used to prompt user before closing browser tab */
Upload.isUploadInProgress() boolean
/* downloads and converts a given url to Blob object which could be added to files model */
Upload.urlToBlob(url).then(function(blob) {...});
/* returns boolean to check if the object is file and could be used as file in Upload.upload()/http() */
/* fixes the exif orientation of the jpeg image file*/

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