Native javascript plugin for a cool typewriter effect – TypewriterJS


A simple yet powerful native javascript plugin for a cool typewriter effect. TypewriterJS is a native javascript plugin that can be used to create an elegant automatic typewriter animation effect on websites.


Load the main JS file typewriter.js right before the closing body tag.

<script src="typewriter.js">script>


Create a placeholder element:


Initialize the plugin on the element and specify an array of strings to type out

var example = document.getElementById('example');
var typewriter = new Typewriter(example, {
    strings: ['Strings', 'To', 'Type']

Here list of options you can use to customize the plugin.

var typewriter = new Typewriter(example, {
    strings: ['Strings', 'To', 'Type'],
    cursor: '|',
    delay: 'natural', // 'natural' or Number
    loop: false, // infinite loop
    autoStart: false,
    devMode: false,
    wrapperClassName: 'Typewriter__wrapper',
    cursorClassName: 'Typewriter__cursor',
Name Type Default value Description
strings String or Array null Strings to type out when using autoStart option
cursor String Pipe character String value to use as the cursor.
delay ‘natural’ or Number ‘natural’ The delay between each key when typing.
loop Boolean false Wether to keep looping or not.
autoStart Boolean false Wether to autostart typing strings or not. You are required to provide strings option.
devMode Boolean false Wether or not to display console logs.
wrapperClassName String ‘Typewriter__wrapper’ Class name for the wrapper element.
cursorClassName String ‘Typewriter__cursor’ Class name for the cursor element.

All methods can be chained together.

Name Params Description
start Start the typewriter effect.
stop Stop the typewriter effect.
pauseFor ms Time to pause for in milliseconds Pause for milliseconds
typeString string String to type out, it can contain HTML tags Type out a string using the typewriter effect.
deleteAll speed Speed to delete all visibles nodes, can be number or ‘natural’ Delete everything that is visible inside of the typewriter wrapper element.
deleteChars amount Number of characters Delete and amount of characters, starting at the end of the visible string.
callFunction cb Callback, thisArg this Object to bind to the callback function Call a callback function. The first parameter to the callback elements which contains all DOM nodes used in the typewriter effect.
changeDeleteSpeed speed Number or ‘natural’ The speed at which to delete the characters, lower number is faster.
changeDelay delay Number or ‘natural’ Change the delay when typing out each character

See live demo and download source code.

This awesome plugin is developed by tameemsafi. Visit their official github repository for more information and follow for future updates.

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