A simple yet powerful native javascript plugin for a cool typewriter effect. TypewriterJS is a native javascript plugin that can be used to create an elegant automatic typewriter animation effect on websites.
Load the main JS file typewriter.js right before the closing body tag.
<script src="typewriter.js">script> |
Create a placeholder element:
Initialize the plugin on the element and specify an array of strings to type out
var example = document.getElementById('example'); var typewriter = new Typewriter(example, { strings: ['Strings', 'To', 'Type'] }); |
Here list of options you can use to customize the plugin.
var typewriter = new Typewriter(example, { strings: ['Strings', 'To', 'Type'], cursor: '|', delay: 'natural', // 'natural' or Number loop: false, // infinite loop autoStart: false, devMode: false, wrapperClassName: 'Typewriter__wrapper', cursorClassName: 'Typewriter__cursor', }); |
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
strings | String or Array | null | Strings to type out when using autoStart option |
cursor | String | Pipe character | String value to use as the cursor. |
delay | ‘natural’ or Number | ‘natural’ | The delay between each key when typing. |
loop | Boolean | false | Wether to keep looping or not. |
autoStart | Boolean | false | Wether to autostart typing strings or not. You are required to provide strings option. |
devMode | Boolean | false | Wether or not to display console logs. |
wrapperClassName | String | ‘Typewriter__wrapper’ | Class name for the wrapper element. |
cursorClassName | String | ‘Typewriter__cursor’ | Class name for the cursor element. |
All methods can be chained together.
typewriter.start() typewriter.stop() typewriter.pauseFor(ms) typewriter.typeString(string) typewriter.deleteAll() typewriter.deleteChars(number) typewriter.callFunction(cb); typewriter.changeDeleteSpeed(speed); typewriter.changeDelay(delay); |
Name | Params | Description |
start | – | Start the typewriter effect. |
stop | – | Stop the typewriter effect. |
pauseFor | ms Time to pause for in milliseconds |
Pause for milliseconds |
typeString | string String to type out, it can contain HTML tags |
Type out a string using the typewriter effect. |
deleteAll | speed Speed to delete all visibles nodes, can be number or ‘natural’ |
Delete everything that is visible inside of the typewriter wrapper element. |
deleteChars | amount Number of characters |
Delete and amount of characters, starting at the end of the visible string. |
callFunction | cb Callback, thisArg this Object to bind to the callback function |
Call a callback function. The first parameter to the callback elements which contains all DOM nodes used in the typewriter effect. |
changeDeleteSpeed | speed Number or ‘natural’ |
The speed at which to delete the characters, lower number is faster. |
changeDelay | delay Number or ‘natural’ |
Change the delay when typing out each character |
See live demo and download source code.
This awesome plugin is developed by tameemsafi. Visit their official github repository for more information and follow for future updates.