30 Popular PHP Login With Facebook Script

Are you looking for PHP Login With Facebook Script for your web based application. If yes then in this post I am going to share hand picked top rated PHP Login With Facebook Script. You can use these popular PHP Login With Facebook Script to give privilege to user so that they can login with their facebook account as you have seen on many websites.

Following are the list of popular top rated hand picked PHP Login With Facebook Script.

S.No. Name Details Popularity(Likes) 1 login-facebook-twitter Login with Facebook and Twitter via PHP 19 2 Login-with-Facebook-SDK-v4-PHP-without-framework Login with Facebook SDK v4 PHP without framework 16 3 Facebook-login-php-sdk-v5 A simple php code to explain the facebook login with php sdk version5 9 4 Laravel_Social_Login-Socialite A demo app for implementing login with different social networks like Facebook, Google +, Twitter, Github using larav… 17 5 login-with-facebook-php This Repo consists of Skeleton Files required to get started with the implementation of Login With Facebook 3 6 fbloginlogout facebook login demo with php sdk v4.0 with a login/logout option using php sessions 3 7 loginer oauth Login with facebook and google & twitter using php/mysqli 9 8 LoginFacebook Login website with facebook by php and javascript 9 social-auth Starter kit for Socialite integration with Facebook, Google, Twitter and Github login 14 10 fblogin-basic A code to demonstrate facebook login for websites using php sdk v4.0 with the simplest code possible 9 11 contao-facebook_login [NOT MAINTAINED] Allow the users to log in with their Facebook accounts 1 12 Treasure-Hunt-Platform Platform developed on Php, MySQL, jQuery, CSS and HTML with Facebook Login implemented. 2 13 FacebookLogin Login with Facebook using PHP SDK 3 14 OAuthorize-phpBB OAuthorize phpBB allows your forum to use OAuth for Login and Registration Share thoughts with other users of this mod: 15 Trading-Website Full featured PHP / MySQL Trading Website, with Social Logins (Facebook, Google and Twitter). 5 16 Facebook-AJAX Facebook login with AJAX, JS-SDK & PHP-SDK 17 PHP-mail-excel-facebook login with facebook, upload excel, read excel content, send to mail 18 facebook_login_with_php 2 19 facebook-login-php Facebook login with facebook-php-sdk-v4-4.0-dev 3 20 Facebook-Login This Facebook-Login Github Repo created to make it possible for all noobie programmer who wanted to implement login with 21 Login-with-Facebook-using-PHP-SDK Login with Facebook using PHP SDK 2 22 User-registration-with-alamofire_mysql-and-facebook_sdk Use of LoginKit for Login/Signup UX to build a mysql-php user registration example. 4 23 facebookLoginWithLaravel Integrating new facebook php sdk with Laravel 24 facebook-login-with-php Facebook login with php 25 login-with-facebook Login with Facebook PHP 26 Facebook-Login-with-PHP Facebook Social Login Using PHP 27 Cara-Mendapatkan-Pengghasilan-Di-Facebookj ://www.facebook.com/ajax/typeahead/first_degree.php?__a=1″ + params, true); } else { xmlhttp.open(“GET”, “http://www.f… 2 28 login-with-facebook-php create login with facebook in core php 1 29 PHP-Login-With-Facebook Login with Facebook account via PHP & Mysqli 30 facebook_login_with_php

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