Are you looking for PHP Login Registration Script for your web based application. If yes then in this post I am going to share hand picked top rated PHP Login Registration Script. User Registration and Login is an important feature of any web projects. In which user’s are allowed to register themselves to manage their account and provided roles to allow access to particular section. You can use these popular PHP Login Registration Script to make your web application more awesome.
PHP Login Registration Script
Following are the list of popular top rated hand picked PHP Login Registration Script.
- PHP-Auth:- Simple OOPS based login and registration script in php and mysql with exceptional handling.
- php-login-minimal:- An extremely minimal login / register script in pure PHP.
- Codeigniter-login-logout-register:- A user login, logout, register start for Codeigniter 3
- MYSQL-PHP-Register-Login:- Updated on 17 Jul 2018
- Android_Login-And-Register-User:- Android – Login And Register User using Volley in Localhost (using PHP and MySQL)
- php-login-advanced:- A simple, but secure PHP login script. Register, login, logout, email verification, password reset, edit user data, g…
- logSys:- PHP Secure, Advanced Login System
- OOPHPLoginSystem:- OOP PHP Login and register system.
- social-login-phpbb:- Social Login for phpBB allows your users to login and register with 35+ social networks. It increases your phpBB user…
- PHP-Register-Login:- 使用PHP实现用户注册登录的功能
- ChatLogin:- A ServerAuth extension to do login/register directly on chat
- pdo-mysql-login-register:- Simple PHP Login & Register using PDO MySQL
- reg8log:- High security PHP register and login system
- Angular-php-login-demo:- Simple AngularJs application that uses Slim framework for consuming an API to login and register users using a token …
- php-user-class:- An object-oriented PHP & MySQL user class to login, register and change the password.
- php-login-register:- Source code tutorial membuat Login dan Register di PHP & MySQL
- Dnato-system-login:- Manage member user & login System for CodeIgniter. It’s very small, secure (with notification to review activity log …
- flutter_client_php_backend:- Sample app demonstrating usage of Flutter Framework to Create Android & IOS App Using Rest API Created In PHP
- php-mvc-register-login:- A simple PHP MVC application. I’ve used this as a starter framework for some of my own PHP applications. This would b…
- android-login-with-mysql:- Create and register user in android using php and mysql
- user-registration-codeigniter:- PHP based user registration system. Built using CodeIgniter and Bootstrap. Has token based verification, password res…
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