TOP 5 Cryptocurrency Realtime Price Scripts In PHP

TOP 5 Cryptocurrency Realtime Price Scripts In PHP: If you are working on cryptocurrency related project and want to display all Cryptocurrency realtime price on your website then here I am going to share some most popular and useful Cryptocurrency Realtime Price Scripts In PHP. These scripts displays real-time quotes, trades, historical charts, crypto exchange and trading of more than 2000 cryptocurrencies with PHP and javascript.

1. CoinCompare – Cryptocurrency Market Capitalization

CoinCompare is the best selling and top rated web application, which displays real-time cryptocurrency quotes, market capitalizations, key information, historical and intraday charts for more than 2000 coins. It is designed to allow you quickly get a website like up and running.

2. CoinCompare – Cryptocurrency Market Capitalization

Coin Table is a Content Management System built for Cryptocurrency Real-time Information.
You can share exchange rates for 1000+ cryptocurrencies, always updated!
You will share 1000+ cryptocurrencies information.
All data is automatically updated 24/7, you don’t need to do any manual process.
Historical data is also available for 68 cryptocurrencies, and can be show in a nice chart.
Time ranges are 1 day, 7 days, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months & all time.

3. CoinIndex – Premium Cryptocurrency Market Prices & Charts Application

CoinIndex is an premium PHP web application, which allows your visitors to track the latest Crypto trends, view information, live streaming quotes and interactive historical charts and analysis for more than 2,300 cryptocurrencies and monitor all markets streaming in real time.

4. CryptoLive – Realtime Cryptocurrency Market Cap, Prices & More (+Free WP Plugin)

CryptoLive allows you to create a powerful Market Capitalization website like or CryptoCompare with one major difference – all prices and information are updated live in the browser.CryptoLive now comes bundled with the WordPress shortcode version for free!.
Please note: The wordpresss version is simplified and does not contain all of the features of the full PHP version shown in the demo.

5. LiveCoins – Real time Cryptocurrency Prices, Market Cap, Charts & More + FREE WordPress Plugin

live streaming bitcoin script

Live Streaming Cryptocurrency Prices, Charts, Market Capitalization and more! Create your own real time Bitcoin and Altcoins Market Capitalization and charting website.Live streaming cryptocurrency trading data from all the major exchanges.Watch the latest Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and other Cryptocurrency prices change in real time and be the first to react to market volatility.LiveCoins now comes bundled with a WordPress plugin for absolutely FREE!So what are you waiting for? Install our plugin and turbo-charge your cryptocurrency blog with streaming real-time market data feed!

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