In this post I am going to share vuejs based awesome Vuetify DateTime Picker Component . The arrangement is superbly made to appear as a work of some incredible inside designer. The run of the mill plan structure with the clock can be normally found in the landing page of various convenient customers. The designer has used a comparable thought as well. To settle on the range decision easier, the developer has given you a wide calendar that shows constant months one alongside the other.The date and time you picked places into the empty field.
.v-date-time-widget-container{ background: white;padding:15px } .v-card{ box-shadow: none } .btn-am{ float:left; } .btn-pm{ float:right } .v-date-picker-table{ height: auto; } |
Vue.component('v-date-time', { props: ['value'], template: ` <div> <v-menu ref="menu" v-model="dropdownOpen" :close-on-content-click="false" :nudge-right="40" :return-value.sync="model" lazy transition="scale-transition" offset-y full-width max-width="560px" min-width="560px"> <template v-slot:activator="{ on }"> <v-text-field v-model="displayDate" label="Date Time" prepend-icon="event" readonly v-on="on" >v-text-field> template> <div class="v-date-time-widget-container"> <v-layout row wrap> <v-flex xs12 sm6> <v-date-picker v-model="dateModel" width="240" color="primary">v-date-picker> v-flex> <v-flex xs12 sm6> <v-btn small fab :color="getMeridiamButtonColor('AM')" class="btn-am" @click="meridiam='AM'">AMv-btn> <v-btn fab small :color="getMeridiamButtonColor('PM')" class="btn-pm" @click="meridiam='PM'">PMv-btn> <v-time-picker v-if="dropdownOpen" v-model="timeModel" color="primary" width="240" :no-title="true">v-time-picker> <h3 class="text-xs-center">{{ currentSelection }}h3> v-flex> <v-flex xs12 class="text-xs-center"> <v-btn flat small @click="dropdownOpen = false">Cancelv-btn> <v-btn flat small @click="confirm()">Okv-btn> v-flex> v-layout> div> v-menu> div> `, data() { return { dropdownOpen: false, meridiam: 'AM', displayDate: '', dateModel: '', timeModel: '', monthNames: [ "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "June", "Jul", "Aug", "Sept", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"] }; }, computed: { model: { get() {return this.value;}, set(model) {} }, currentSelection() { let selectedTime = this.timeModel + ' ' + this.meridiam; return this.formatDate(this.dateModel) + ' ' + selectedTime; } }, methods: { formatDate(date) { if (!date) return ''; const [year, month, day] = date.split('-'); let monthName = this.monthNames[parseInt(month)]; return `${monthName} ${day}, ${year}`; }, // Confirm the datetime selection and close the popover confirm() { this.onUpdateDate(); this.dropdownOpen = false; }, // Format the date and trigger the input event onUpdateDate() { if (!this.dateModel || !this.timeModel) return false; let selectedTime = this.timeModel + ' ' + this.meridiam; this.displayDate = this.formatDate(this.dateModel) + ' ' + selectedTime; this.$emit('input', this.dateModel + ' ' + selectedTime); }, // Set the active state for the meridiam buttons getMeridiamButtonColor(m) { if (m === this.meridiam) { return 'primary'; } else { return 'darkgray'; } } }, mounted() { // Set the current date and time as default value var d = new Date(); var currentHour = d.getHours() % 12; // AM,PM format var minutes = (d.getMinutes() < 10 ? '0' : '') + d.getMinutes(); var currentTime = currentHour + ':' + minutes; this.timeModel = currentTime; this.dateModel = d.toISOString().substr(0, 10); if (d.getHours() >= 12) { this.meridiam = 'PM'; } } }); const vm = new Vue({ el: "#app", data() { return { myDateTime: 'Select a Date' }; } }); |
{{ currentSelection }}
data() {
return {
dropdownOpen: false,
meridiam: ‘AM’,
displayDate: ”,
dateModel: ”,
timeModel: ”,
monthNames: [
“Jan”, “Feb”, “Mar”,
“Apr”, “May”, “June”, “Jul”,
“Aug”, “Sept”, “Oct”,
“Nov”, “Dec”] };
computed: {
model: {
get() {return this.value;},
set(model) {} },
currentSelection() {
let selectedTime = this.timeModel + ‘ ‘ + this.meridiam;
return this.formatDate(this.dateModel) + ‘ ‘ + selectedTime;
} },
methods: {
formatDate(date) {
if (!date) return ”;
const [year, month, day] = date.split(‘-‘);
let monthName = this.monthNames[parseInt(month)];
return `${monthName} ${day}, ${year}`;
// Confirm the datetime selection and close the popover
confirm() {
this.dropdownOpen = false;
// Format the date and trigger the input event
onUpdateDate() {
if (!this.dateModel || !this.timeModel) return false;
let selectedTime = this.timeModel + ‘ ‘ + this.meridiam;
this.displayDate = this.formatDate(this.dateModel) + ‘ ‘ + selectedTime;
this.$emit(‘input’, this.dateModel + ‘ ‘ + selectedTime);
// Set the active state for the meridiam buttons
getMeridiamButtonColor(m) {
if (m === this.meridiam) {
return ‘primary’;
} else {
return ‘darkgray’;
} },
mounted() {
// Set the current date and time as default value
var d = new Date();
var currentHour = d.getHours() % 12; // AM,PM format
var minutes = (d.getMinutes() < 10 ? ‘0’ : ”) + d.getMinutes();
var currentTime = currentHour + ‘:’ + minutes;
this.timeModel = currentTime;
this.dateModel = d.toISOString().substr(0, 10);
if (d.getHours() >= 12) {
this.meridiam = ‘PM’;
} });
const vm = new Vue({
el: “#app”,
data() {
return {
myDateTime: ‘Select a Date’ };
} });
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This awesome script developed by xristian. Visit their official repository for more information and follow for future updates.